Rebecca MeadCounselling & Psychotherapy Services
Brighton & Hove

About IPT. Poppies

Interpersonal Psychotherapy

About IPT
IPT is a time limited structured psychotherapy for depression, usually between 12 and 16 sessions. IPT is based on the premise that there is a relationship between the way people interact with others and their psychological symptoms. So difficulties in our relationships can affect our mental health and our mental health can affect the quality of our relationships. The main focus is on relationship problems and on helping you to identify how you are feeling and behaving in your relationships. IPT is a National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommended guideline especially useful for those with depression.

What Conditions Can it Help

  • Interpersonal Disputes (conflict within relationships - this can often be difficulties within a significant relationship where the relationship has become 'stuck' in arguments or disagreements and is affecting mood)
  • Role Transitions (changes in circumstances such as redundancy, breakup of relationship or other life event that has affected how you feel about yourself)
  • Grief and Loss (when you don't seem to be healing from loss of a loved one and are struggling to adjust)
  • Interpersonal Sensitivities (when there are difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships this can leave us feeling very alone and isolated)

    What Benefits can be Expected?

    Improvement in relationships, including relating to others and communication, learn to cope with emotions and life changes, problem solving, processing loss and grief, and overall an improvement in mood and psychological distress.

    My Qualification in IPT: Interpersonal Psychotherapy Practitioner, trained with the Anna Freud Centre, accredited with IPT UK

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